Values of Knee Injury Cases in Maryland

Value of Knees in Maryland Comp 

Knees injuries aren’t only painful and debilitating, they are some of the most common accidents suffered on the job.  According to The Comp Pinkbook, a publication which statistically analyzed Maryland workers’ compensation claims over an 18 month period, knee injuries were the third most common type of claim.  These cases ranged widely in values, with the average award totaling $12,754 in cases left open for future medical treatment.  The highest of these awards was over $70,000.  Regarding claims which were closed out by way of a settlement, the average value was $25,000, the highest of which was $275,000.  When determining the worth a claim, a number of factors are considered.  The Workers’ Compensation Commission will take into account any residual knee symptoms after medical care is concluded, while also acknowledging the kind of injury sustained and the treatment which was required.  Below are a few examples of common types of knee injuries.

The Average Value is Higher for Law Enforcement

One of the benefits for law enforcement officers is minor workers’ comp injuries get more reasonable compensation under the law.  Instead of getting indemnity compensation in the first tier, as a law enforcement officer, you will get second tier money.  The impact of this, varies by situation, by it has the potential to be significant.

Types of Common Workers’ Comp Knee Injuries


A break or crack in one of the knee bones, most frequently found in the patella – otherwise known as the kneecap.  These injuries are generally the result of a high energy trauma or impact, such as falling from a significant height or being involved in an automobile collision, and can cause significant amounts of pain.

Ligament damage

The knee is supported by a number strong tissues called ligaments, which attach to the surrounding bones keeping the structures of the joint in place.  There are several located within the knee, including the anterior cruciate, posterior cruciate, and collateral ligaments.  When stretched, twisted, or hyper-extended, tears in these tissues can occur.  The damage can be mild, such as a sprain or strain, or more serious, involving full tears or even detachment from the bones.  A torn ACL in workers’ comp, just as one example, will generally warrant higher than average compensation.

Meniscal tears

Your meniscus is a soft pad which is made of cartilage and located in between the thigh and shin bones.  Its function is to act as a cushion between these bones, as well as to provide a smooth surface on which the joint can move.  Depending on the severity of the injury, a damaged meniscus can result in pain, swelling, a popping sensation, or the feeling that the knee is giving out or unable to support your weight.

Taking the Appropriate Steps after a Knee Injury at Work

If you have hurt your knee, one of the most important things to do is to have the injury assessed by an appropriate doctor, usually an orthopedic.  Along with physical exams, diagnostics such as x-rays and MRIs may be utilized to help diagnose the problems.  As with any injury, treatment will depend on the individual and the severity of the damage.  For less serious situations, options may include rest, a home exercise program, physical therapy, immobilization, and/or medications (e.g., anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers).  For more serious injuries, Treatment may include injection into the knee, or surgery to repair any damaged ligaments or surrounding structures.  Regardless of your situation, obtaining an accurate diagnosis is of paramount concern.  Not being aware of a problem can make it worse, even dangerous, depending on your type of employment.    Certain injuries, if not properly treated, can worsen with time or activities.  This can be a particular point of concern for those working in the public safety field, due to the physical stressors which are inherent to their jobs.  Making arrests, getting into altercations, engaging in self-defense tactics, and practicing certain positions on the firing range can all place a great deal of stress on the knees.  Too often, returning to work before getting properly diagnosed and treated can cause of worsening of the injury, potentially leading to the need for additional treatment and forcing more missed time from work than originally anticipated.

If you’ve suffered a knee injury, the first step is to report it to your supervisor.  The next step is to contact our office as soon as possible.  We will promptly file a claim, communicate with the insurance company on your behalf, get you reimbursed for any lost wages, and ensure that you are able to treat with the appropriate medical providers.  If you would like to obtain an estimate of the value of your case, please visit our Workers’ Compensation Calculator for a free, no-obligation evaluation of your claim.